How to use my own Database?

Hey guys

how is it possible to use my own database with this great Script?
Thanks for any information.


Yes you can use any database you want. You would be responsible for making sure data retrieved from the database is presented in a format that makes sense to the scheduler. Can either be in JSON or XML.


Wouldn’t be a problem to create a XML File. Where do i include the XML file or what i have to do with the XML-File?

thank you

You need to check the documentation for the XML format the scheduler expects. You can see it here at … ntegration.

You would park the XML data at a given URL of your choosing and tell the scheduler to go to that URL to retrieve the data.

Looks good. Thank you :slight_smile:
Can you even tell me where i have to change the url in the Scheduler?



for example:


Best regards,