I’m sorry for asking a presumably elementary question, but I’m a novice in javascript programming.
There is a list of images in a folder, let’s say, ‘dog.jpg’, ‘cat.jpg’, etc. , and I would realize a web page showing your Slider control at its top and below an image, changing when Slider is dragged.
That’s what I’m planning:
placing file names in an array
var images = new Array ("dog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "horse.jpg");
showing images using
Now, the question is: how can I link the slider position and the value of the index imgNum ?
I have been testing for a while in ‘04_linkto.html’.
Sorry, but your question doesn’t concern DHTMLX library directly, it’s more about web development in general. And unfortunately our support team won’t help you in this case. If you need help in your application development from our dev team, please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com. Thank you for understanding.
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