I am using the collapsible layout of DHTMLX Suite.
I managed to create the UI in the sample (with empty HTML).
Now I am trying to insert the components i made as its html content.
But it is not showing.
Below is a snippet of my initialization of the layout.
let { css } = this.props
this.layout = new LayoutDHX(this.el, {
css: css,
rows: [
id: "diagram-content",
header: "Bin Diagram",
collapsable: true,
css: "dhx_layout-cell--border_bottom",
gravity: false,
height: "80px"
cols: [
id: "todolist-content",
header: "To Do List",
collapsable: true,
gravity: false,
css: "dhx_layout-cell--border_right",
width: "200px",
html: "<ToDoList />"
rows: [
id: "calendar-content",
css: "tasks-container",
header: "Calendar",
html: "<EventList />"
id: "binlist-content",
header: "Bin List",
collapsable: true,
gravity: false,
css: "dhx_layout-cell--border_left",
width: "200px",
html: "<BinList />"
id: "planner-content",
header: "Planner",
collapsable: true,
css: "dhx_layout-cell--border_top",
gravity: false,
height: "80px"