I could not show Horizontal scroolbar on gantt?

I just started to test gantt. I use below code for testing. But could not show horizontal scroolbar on the bottom of the page. Because of this I could not scrool gantt diagram from begining to the end?
Maybe I am new in HTML. I don’t know?
My code is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Gantt Test</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    	<title>Forced touch mode</title>
	<script src="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.js?v=8.0.9"></script>
	<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css?v=8.0.9">-->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="codebase/skins/dhtmlxgantt_meadow.css?v=8.0.9">

	<!--<script src="../common/testdata.js?v=8.0.9"></script>-->
.weekend{ background: rgba(183,142,185,0.3) !important;}

html, body {
			height: 100%;
			padding: 0px;
			margin: 0px;
			overflow: hidden;

.red .gantt_cell, .odd.red .gantt_cell,
		.red .gantt_task_cell, .odd.red .gantt_task_cell {
			background-color: #FDE0E0;

		.green .gantt_cell, .odd.green .gantt_cell,
		.green .gantt_task_cell, .odd.green .gantt_task_cell {
			background-color: #BEE4BE;

        // index.html dokükamanı yüklendiğinde ilgili fonksiyon devreye girerek 
        // proje veri içeriğini ekrana basacak
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
            // standart zaman formatını belirtiyoruz
            gantt.config.xml_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";
			//gantt.config.fit_tasks = true;
			gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function(date){
					return "weekend";
			gantt.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(task,date){
					return "weekend" ;
			gantt.config.work_time = true;
			gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function(date){
					return "weekend";
			gantt.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(task,date){
				if(!gantt.isWorkTime({task:task, date:date})){
					return "weekend" ;
			gantt.templates.rightside_text = function (start, end, task) {
				return "ID: #" + task.id;

			gantt.templates.leftside_text = function (start, end, task) {
				return task.duration + " Gün";
			gantt.config.grid_width = 380;
			gantt.config.add_column = false;
			gantt.templates.grid_row_class = function (start_date, end_date, item) {
				if (item.progress == 0) return "red";
				if (item.progress >= 1) return "green";
			gantt.templates.task_row_class = function (start_date, end_date, item) {
				if (item.progress == 0) return "red";
				if (item.progress >= 1) return "green";
			gantt.config.columns = [
				{name: "text", label: "Task name", tree: true, width: '*'},
					name: "progress", label: "Progress", width: 80, align: "center",
					template: function (item) {
						if (item.progress >= 1)
							return "Complete";
						if (item.progress == 0)
							return "Not started";
						return Math.round(item.progress * 100) + "%";
				{name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true},
				{name: "duration", align: "center"},
					name: "assigned", label: "Assigned to", align: "center", width: 100,
					template: function (item) {
						if (!item.users) return "Nobody";
						return item.users.join(", ");
				{name: "add", width: 44}
			gantt.config.touch = "force";
			gantt.config.scales = [
				{unit: "week", step: 1, format: "%d/%m"}
			gantt.config.scales = [
				{unit: "month", step: 1, format: "%F, %Y"},
				{unit: "day", step: 1, format: "%j, %D"}
			gantt.config.columns = [
				{name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true},
				{name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true},
				{name: "duration", align: "center"},
				{name: "add", width: 44}
				data: [
						id: 1, text: "Project #2", start_date: "2024-08-08", duration: 5, order: 10,
						progress: 0.9, open: true
						id: 2, text: "Task #1", start_date: "2024-08-10", duration: 8, order: 10,
						progress: 0.6, parent: 1
						id: 3, text: "Task #2", start_date: "2024-08-24", duration: 8, order: 20,
						progress: 0.6, parent: 1
				links: [
					{id: 1, source: 1, target: 2, type: "1"},
					{id: 2, source: 2, target: 3, type: "0"}
			  gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskUpdate", function () {
            // veri yükleme işinin üstlenildiği kısım
            // tahmin edileceği üzere /api/backlog şeklinde bir REST API çağrısı olacak
            // bu kod tarafındaki Controller ile karşılanacak
            // veri işleyicisi (bir web api servis adresi gibi düşünülebilir)
            //var dp = new gantt.dataProcessor("/api/");
            // REST tipinden iletişim sağlanacak
    <h2>Project Plan</h2>
    <div id="project_map" style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"></div>


I used your configuration, and the horizontal scrollbar is present and working. Please see an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool . Could you please provide more details? This will help me better understand the issue.

Dear Maksim_Lakatkou,
I removed below line and it’s working now.

<h2>Project Plan</h2>
