I don't understand with filter.

I need to use condition in below.

({start_date} >= " + piStart.Value + " || (" + piStart.Value + "<{start_date} && “+ piStart.Value +”<={end_date}))

I try to this below,no work because it shouldn’t understand some condition in
“{start_date} >= " + piStart.Value + " ||(condition)”

scheduler.Views[0].Filter.Rules.Add(new DHTMLX.Scheduler.Controls.Rule(“start_date”, Operator.GreaterOrEqual, piStartSchedule.Value) );

scheduler.Views[0].Filter.Logic = Logic.OR;
scheduler.Views[0].Filter.Rules.Add(new DHTMLX.Scheduler.Controls.Rule(“start_date”, Operator.Greater, piStartSchedule.Value));
scheduler.Views[0].Filter.Logic = Logic.AND;
scheduler.Views[0].Filter.Rules.Add(new DHTMLX.Scheduler.Controls.Rule(“end_date”, Operator.GreaterOrEqual, piStartSchedule.Value));

How can I do that?

condition of (…)
How can I filled Bracket in filter?