i found a issue in dhtmlx scheduler.


I have created the Recurring event with Every Work Day, After 9 Occurrence from the day Tues Day and saved the event, it is shown up to next week Friday(means 9 occurrence), after that i have updated the Description of Event and saved. now it is showing form start of the week(Monday) and less then one occurrence.
could you please correct this issue/explain how it is works.

please find the attached document.

Thanks & Regards
Dasharath Bhukya

Unfortunately I can’t reconstruct the same issue locally.
If it still occurs - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be checked.

we have a dhtmlx Scheduler (dhtmlxScheduler_v37) we brought the license for this. on this we are getting same.

unfortunately I am not able to upload the document what I have tested.

please find the screen shots.

We will try to check the issue with 3.7, meanwhile can you try to use the latest 4.0 version ( you can grab the gpl version from the site )
It has one extra option, which can solve the issue in your case

docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … onfig.html

yah… it is also having same.

and please check the images ,image_ONE first and image_two.

I can confirme issue with start date changing in scheduler 3.7, but when using scheduler 4.0 with next mode enabled

scheduler.config.repeat_precise = true;

issue doesn’t occur.