I hava a question about requied fields

Hi, How do I set a field to be mandatory when editing cards? The change will only be saved if all mandatory fields are filled in.

Hello @Comercial ,
Unfortunately, there is no such a setting for the editor fields in an editorShape.
However, it is possible to intercept Kanban inner events and block them depending on the conditions.

There is an update-card event that fires when data in a card is updated. You could attach an event handler to it with api.on() or api.intercept() to intercept the event or modify the object that api.on receives and add additional fields. Returning false in the api.intercept will block the event so you could prevent the card from saving the changes if the needed fields are empty: DHTMLX Snippet Tool .
In the example, the card changes will be saved only if both “label” and “description” fields are filled in.