Dear all,
I have table splitted my table headers as follows:
my $header = “Sequence 1, Sequence 2,gap,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,bestfit,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan”;
my $row_head = “#rspan,#rspan,% Simil.,% Ident,Quality,Ratio,Al. Length,% Simil.,% Ident,Quality,Ratio,Al. Length”;
print “mygrid.setHeader(”$header");\n";
print “mygrid.attachHeader(”$row_head");\n";
Then I try to setup the alignment of the different columns with :
my $col_align = “left,left,right,rigth,rigth,rigth,rigth,rigth”;
print “mygrid.setColAlign(”$col_align");\n";
Unfortunately only the first column of the two splited blocks are aligned corectly? What the problem??
Kind Regards,
You have a typo in your command, the correct one must be
my $col_align = “left,left,right,right,right,right,right,right”; (83.9 KB)