I need a simple example with VAULT

Hello all

Actually I work with this component, but, the examples of this oficial page is not enough, because not work any way. :open_mouth:

For be more exactly, I need a example for save in Data Base one file upload in vault component. How I can upload a file and save in a data base with Vault component? :?:

I need a very simple and clear Example of this.

thanks all, good day. :wink:

What language are you using? Do you want to save a file in the database?

Estoy usando lenguaje JSP con la herramienta JDEVELOPER.

Y si, lo que quiero es recoger un campo con el componente value, e insertarlo en base de datos como un BLOB

:question: :question: :question: :question:

I am using JSP language with JDeveloper tool.

And yes, I just want to pick a field with the value component and insert it into database as a BLOB