I want to add 2 column on chart and also that column has some buttons which are doing to extend the due time of that task.
You need to configure the columns of the grid by gantt.config.columns.
Please check the information how to implement it here:
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/desktop__ … lumns.html
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gant … onfig.html
Hi again,
You can add ‘onclick’ event to cells of the scale by date_scale template and call a function where scale configurations will be updated.
Please check here how it can be implemented: snippet.dhtmlx.com/9524af6b2
Hi Polina,
I wanted to add custom column as last column in the grid view. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance
Yes, just add this column in the column definition gantt.config.columns.
My first reply in this topic contains links that you need to check:
Did you try to do that? If you encounter difficulties, please clarify.