I want to limit drag and drop only for readonly events

I want to limit drag and drop only for readonly events

When I set this I can’t open the event to view the other fields

scheduler.Config.isReadonly = true;

If I set these then my editable events can’t be dragged

scheduler.Config.drag_resize = false; //stop resize
scheduler.Config.drag_move = false; //stop event move and drop
scheduler.Config.drag_create = false; //stop event creation on drag
scheduler.Config.dblclick_create = false;//stop event creation on double click

Seems that i should be able to dynamically change this in an event somewhere?



Looks like I got it

Had to comment the last line

Now you can’t drag, but you can open it up to view


function block_readonly(id){
if (!id) return true;

   //return true;                                     
   return !this.getEvent(id).readonly;                


scheduler.config.event_duration = <?php $event_duration

   echo ($event_duration) ? $event_duration : 15; ?>; 

scheduler.config.multi_day = true;
scheduler.config.details_on_create = true;

//scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”,block_readonly) // <<<< SOLVED BY COMMENTING