and afterwards selecting the second cell of the new record for editing with:
mygrid.selectRow(0, true, false, true);
mygrid.selectCell(0, 1, false, false, true, true);
only works, when on the first page with smart rendering. Scrolling forward a few pages and doing this causes IE8 to throw a JS Error in dhtmlxgridcells.js line 43, column 623.
Firefox works wunderfull and no JS errors.
Anyone having the same issue?
We just put the “selectCell” in to a try/catch block:
try {
mygrid.selectCell(0, 1, false, false, true, true);
} catch ( ex ) { ; };
But that’s a stupid workaround and it should do the select.
Any Ideas?
Do you load all rows at one or use dynamic loading? selectRow() method expected at appropriate row is loaded to the client side.
scrolling forward a few pages and doing this causes IE8 to throw a JS Error in dhtmlxgridcells.js line 43, column 623
Can you provide text of the error?
dynamic loading with smart rendering.
The row which should be selected is row # 0
This has been added with addRow(…,0) just one line before
When this particular row in not within the viewport, IE shows a JS error (yellow exclamation mark bottom left corner) as soon as the row gets selected with selectRow(…)
Opening the error message only says “Invalid character at line 43, column 623 in dhtmlxgridcell.js”.
I don’t have a screenshot yet since I need to rollback the workaround in order to reproduce. If necessary I will provide one, of course, but IMHO the description stays as poor as it is due to IE8.