Hi we are using the tabber component in an SSL environment. We enabled the tab close button. When we click the close button the security popup appears “Do you want to view the webpage content that was delivered securley? This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection…”
I attached your example from the latest tabbar release. All I did was add dhxTabbar.enableTabCloseButton(true);. I was able to replicate the issue. Click on the second tab to activate it then click the close button. After the first time you’ll need to clear cache to continually replciate it.
This only happens in IE. It doesn’t happen in FF.
Thank you
Carmine Marino
P.S. I had to use a different accout to post this message. My original account is carmine marino, but can’t seem to log into it.
01_init_from_script.zip (1.97 KB)