if (_isIE)window.setTimeout(function(){self.setSizes();}, 1)


we have a problem with in IE:

if (_isIE)window.setTimeout(function(){self.setSizes();}, 1);

(dhtmlx.js -> Version 2.6)

throws an error: “Object expected”

What might that be?

Please provide demo link or example where we can reproduce this issue.

Problem solved.

What was the solution? I am having the same experience.


Please, what was the solution? I tried to change it to {this.setSizes(), 1, this} but still it’s saying that ‘this’ is not an object.

It is in dhtmlxgrid.js line 65, col 738.

I can’t post a link because this is behind a government firewall, sorry.

I think I might have solved it, by leaving it at self.setSizes, but increating the delay to 100 instead of 1. I don’t seem to be getting the error any more.

Scratch that, just got the error on a different page. Back to the drawing board.

Any luck finding the solution to this problem. I have it too. Only when running IE.


Please provide demo link or example where we can reproduce this issue.