I'm migrating to configuring the dhtmlXGrid's columns via X

I’m migrating to configuring the
dhtmlXGrid’s columns via XML, and it seems like there are a number of aspects
that can only be configured via javascript calls. For example - and most
important to me at the moment - I want to set the initial column width(s) in
percentages, not in absolute pixels; I can do this via the setInitWidthsP() js
call, but apparently the xml attribute does not support percentages.

Please let me know
whether there’s a way to do this via XML. <o:p></o:p>

for now (v1.0) XML doesn’t support all functionality which can be set from
client side, only basic one.

set width in percents please use the next approach:



        <column width=“30”
type=“dyn” align=“right” color=“white”


        <column width=“70”
type=“ed” align=“left” color="#d5f1ff"







will create a grid with two columns; width of columns is 30% and 70%.