In Timeline View - Colour Code Todays Date


I would like the current day to be shaded differently than the other days.

Is this possible?



Try customizing following template:

scheduler.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(evs, date, section){ // evs - list of events which will be displayed in this cell // date - date for which cell is displayed // section - object with section's properties(e.g. section.key, section.label) return ""; // css class which will be assigned }
Kind regards,

I have this;

scheduler.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(evs, date, section){ if (date.getDay()==0 || date.getDay()==6) return "yellow_cell"; return ""; }

But what is the DIV class? Surely it isn’t just;

.yellow_cell{ background-color: #e0ffff !important; }

Data cell will have
“dhx_matrix_cell yellow_cell”

where dhx_matrix_cell defines default styling and custom class “yellow_cell” will define any extra styling for those day.