In Xp skin header with link column resize


I’m encountering few problem in grid with skin.

1 - I’m having a grid with links in the header. I have set the skin to be XP.

Now i decrease the one of the header of the grid such that most part of the data gets hidden(Including the vertical

seperator). Now, i’ll not be able to increase the size of the column whose width i’ve decreased. When i hover the mouse on the

column the link gets enabled and i will not be able to increase the width.

How can i get to decrease and increase the size of the column when the data content in the header is a link?

2 - Also the autowrapping of the data in the header is not happening with the Skins XP and MT?

3 - Is there a way by which we can change the column seperators?

Please help me in finding out the solutions.

How can i get to decrease and increase the size of the column when the data content in the header is a link?
If some custom content fully filled header, then grid is not able to detect resize attept. In case of link in header, all works correctly untill there is an empty space between link and header cell border. If there is no empty space grid header still can be resized - the border zone before and under link still works
( It is not the best behavior, but behavior can’t be changed without serious code modification )

>> Also the autowrapping of the data in the header is not happening with the Skins XP and MT?
The styling of those skins was designed to single line headers. Basically you can change css to enable wrapping

div.gridbox_xp table.hdr td div.hdrcell{
    border-left: 1px solid white;
    border-right: 1px solid gray;
    white-space : nowrap;   // just delete this line

Is there a way by which we can change the column seperators?
Do you mean visual elements in header ? Those lines are formed by border styles of header cells. They can be adjusted in dhtmlxgrid.css … _cust_skin