Incorrect total row values when switching to count in pivot 1.5.6v

When choosing count operation with pivot 1.5.6 total row in footer counts rows, not cells values. If you switch version in snippet below to 1.4.4 everything goes back to normal. Is there a way to fix it or do i have to downgrade version?

And how can i downgrade version using from-cdn?

Thank you for your report. The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any further progress on this issue.

And how can i downgrade version using from-cdn?

CDN link for the DHTMLX Diagram is intended for demonstration only. You need to download an official version.

Hello Jakub.

We fixed this problem in the latest Pivot 2.0 update.

Now the counters calculate correctly in this case.
Here is the snippet, where you can test it:
Also, here you can check the new Pivot 2.0 docs: