Insert a dataview in a layout cell

Hi everyone,

i hoped it was an easy thing but i’m having some problem.

i would put a dataview in a cell “b” of a layout.

in my html file i wrote the following code:

and in the script there is the following, (of course i have already defined the layout object (2U).

dataview = layout.cells(“b”).attachDataView(
container: “info”,
type: {
template: “html->info”,
height: 120,
width: 400

The pic should appear in the cell “b”, instead i can’t show it up.
Can you find the error?

thanks to all


if you initialize dataview using attachDataView, there should not be container property in the dataview configuration:

dataview = layout.cells(“b”).attachDataView(
//container: “info”,
type: {
template: “html->info”,
height: 120,
width: 400

thanks for suggestion.

unfortunately i tried to cancel the container but nothing appens.

i still have my layout cell “b” complitely empty.

instead if i use attachObject i can see the pic in the cell “b”. where should be the error?
i wanted to use the dataview to receive information from database.

to avoid the problem is better to use attachObject but how can i connect its elements to a database?

or if you can find the error of attachDataView better!:slight_smile:

thanks again

Make sure that dhtmlxdataview.js is included after other dhtmlx libraries.

Unfortunately i didn’t resolved my problem.

i used dhtmlx.js file that collect all libraries and i insert also dhtmlxdataview.js as you suggested but nothing.

my cell “b” is still empty. Is sure that attachDataView command exist? what can i do to resolve it?

dhtmlx.js is already contains dataview library. Please attach the sample that demonstrates the problem.

Hi alexandra,

this is my code:


Il Pianeta Dei Clown
<div id="Tab"></div>  

<div id="clowninfo">
    <div class="foto" > 
       <div style="text-align:center">
            <font size="10" color="black" style=" font-family:Segoe Script">FOTO</font>
       <div style="text-align:center">
            <img src="images/prova.jpg"  height=70%/>
     <div class="dati" >
        <div style="text-align:left">
            <font size="4" color="black" style=" font-family:Segoe Script">Codice Fiscale:</font> 
        <div style="text-align:center">
            <font > ciao </font>  

and here my js file:

var tab, layout, grid, dataview;

function init() {
tab = new dhtmlXTabBar(“Tab”, “top”);

tab.addTab("tab1", "Membri Clown", "130px");
tab.setCustomStyle("tab1", "black", "red", "font-style:arial; font-size:16");     

tab.addTab(“tab2”, “Ricevute”, “100px”);
tab.setCustomStyle(“tab2”, “black”, “red”, “font-style:arial; font-size:16”);
tab.addTab(“tab3”, “Amministrazione”, “140px”);
tab.setCustomStyle(“tab3”, “black”, “red”, “font-style:arial; font-size:16”);
layout = tab.cells(“tab1”).attachLayout(“2U”);

tab.setTabActive("tab1"); //attiva il Tab1

// layout attaccato al TAB Membri CLown

layout.cells("a").setText("Lista Membri");
layout.cells("b").setText("Dettaglio Clown");


//griglia attaccata alla Lista Clown del layout

grid = layout.cells("a").attachGrid();
grid.setHeader("Nome, Cognome, Nome Clown"); 


grid.init(); //inizializza la griglia

grid.enableAlterCss("dispari", "pari");


grid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", select_grid_row);

//informazioni clown attaccata alla cella "b" del layout

dataview = layout.cells("b").attachDataView(

    type: {
    template: "html->clowninfo",
    height: 120,
    width: 400


as i told you the dataview is not attached at the cell “b” of the layout why?


are any data loaded in the dataview ? if the problem still occurs, please attach the complete demo (with all necessary files) that allows to recreate the problem locally. We have not reproduced the problem.

Hi Alexandra

i tried to load some data but nothing…

i insert here my code and let’s see if you can find the error.

i have a database with just one record to try and the key is “codicefiscale”. I want show for example the name of “citta” column. here below is how i have done.

as i told you i wanna see the name of the “citta” column in a dataview. i created a template below a showed
--------------------INDEX HTML PROGRAM----------------------

Il Pianeta Dei Clown
      <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js"></SCRIPT>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="codebase/dhtmlx.js"></SCRIPT>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="functions.js"></SCRIPT>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="conn_codebase/connector.js"></SCRIPT>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="codebase/dhtmlxdataprocessor.js"></SCRIPT>

      <LINK rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href="stili.css">
      <LINK rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href="codebase/dhtmlx.css">
 <LINK rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href="codebase/gridskins/dhtmlxgrid_dhx_costum.css">
<div id="Tab"></div>  

<div id="clowninfo">

    <div class="dati" >
        <div style="text-align:left">
            <font size="4" color="black" style=" font-family:Segoe Script">Codice Fiscale:</font> 

        <div style="text-align:center">
            <span class="b">#citta#</span>



here below instead there is my functions in js.


var tab, layout, grid, dataview;

function init() {

tab = new dhtmlXTabBar("Tab", "top");

tab.addTab("tab1", "Membri Clown", "130px");
tab.setCustomStyle("tab1", "black", "red", "font-style:arial; font-size:16");     
tab.addTab("tab2", "Ricevute", "100px");
tab.setCustomStyle("tab2", "black", "red", "font-style:arial; font-size:16"); 
tab.addTab("tab3", "Amministrazione", "140px");
tab.setCustomStyle("tab3", "black", "red", "font-style:arial; font-size:16"); 
layout = tab.cells("tab1").attachLayout("2U");


layout.cells("a").setText("Lista Membri");
layout.cells("b").setText("Dettaglio Clown");


grid = layout.cells("a").attachGrid();
grid.setHeader("Nome, Cognome, Nome Clown"); 



grid.enableAlterCss("dispari", "pari");


grid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", select_grid_row);

dataview = layout.cells("b").attachDataView({

    type: {
        padding: 5,
        height: 40



and here below there is

----------------------prova.php file--------------

<?php require("../conn_codebase/dataview_connector.php"); $conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); $database = mysql_select_db("clown"); $data = new DataViewConnector($conn,"MySQL"); $data->render_table("membri","codicefiscale","citta"); mysql_close(); ?>

this is what i have done…but it doesn’t show the dataview in layout cell “b”
hope you can find the error…

thanks for all



Please provide the example of data that you tried to load into the dataview, a static xml - the xml that is generated by prova.php

hi alexandra,

here it’s the file created by prova.php

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


the id infact is correct and also the city name.

It seems that the problem doesn’t relate tabbar:

tabbar is initialized without the skin. It is default skin is “default”. attachLayout method initializes the layout with the skin of the parent component (“default”) and there is not such a skin for layout.

To solve the problem you need to set skin directly in the attachLayout method:

layout = tab.cells(“tab1”).attachLayout(“2U”,“dhx_skyblue”);

The sample is attached (93.9 KB)