insert multiple events fom lightbox to DB

Hi all, there is the possibility of insert a multiple events with lightbox?
When I double click on scheduler and lightbox is open i want the possibility of insert for example my custom lightbox:

scheduler.locale.labels.section_trattamentiA=“Trattamento A”;
scheduler.locale.labels.section_trattamentiB=“Trattamento B”;
scheduler.locale.labels.section_trattamentiC=“Trattamento C”;
scheduler.locale.labels.section_trattamentiD=“Trattamento D”;
scheduler.locale.labels.section_trattamentiE=“Trattamento E”;


{name:“trattamentiA”, height:21, map_to:“trattamenti”, type:“select”,
{name:“timeA”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

{name:“trattamentiB”, height:21, map_to:“trattamenti”, type:“select”,
{name:“timeB”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

{name:“trattamentiC”, height:21, map_to:“trattamenti”, type:“select”,
{name:“timeC”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

{name:“trattamentiD”, height:21, map_to:“trattamenti”, type:“select”,
{name:“timeD”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

{name:“trattamentiE”, height:21, map_to:“trattamenti”, type:“select”,
{name:“timeE”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

I want insert in my table events the five new records when i save.

Thank you in advance.

It can be done automatically. But you can use 5 different vars


and on server side - define beforeProcessing handler, from which execute any necessary SQL command against the DB.

Hi Stanislav, I have a question:

this is my scheduler_connector.php:

function myUpdate($action){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO clients (name,lastname,alias,phone) VALUES (’{$action->get_value(‘name’)}’,’{$action->get_value(‘lastname’)}’,’{$action->get_value(‘alias’)}’, ‘{$action->get_value(‘phone’)}’) ");
} $scheduler->render_table(“events”,“event_id”,“start_date,end_date,event_name,name,lastname,alias,phone”);

This insert in table clients and not in table events.
The beforeUpdate, beforeInsert etc. bypass the default insertion?
If yes how can insert my data from lightbox in 2 or 3 different tables?

Thank you very much.

If you want the default logic to be triggered as well, just remove the next line


In you existing code, it says that insert operation is done, so default logic is not triggered.

Or you can use afterInsert instead of beforeInsert

With this method i can insert 5 new different events with different id ?

Nope it can save 5 fields for one event
If you need to save multiple events from single operations - client or server side code need to be customized. By default component not able to do such action.

Thank you very much Stanislav.
