Insert objects forms in Grid

Hi… i trying insert objects of forms HTML in my table into

? as show in below code, but dont show forms objects…

Whats is mi error? its possible?-… Thanks…

Column1 Column1


It works correctly in local samples , except I recommend to add gridHeight=“auto” attribute to resize grid correctly.
Working sample attached

( if you are using dhtmlxgrid 1.5 or earlier - they has known issues with rendering complex HTML from source table ) (37.5 KB)

Thanks…! Is Ok

Hi…I have other problem… Im <STRONG>Initializationing from HTML table, I have 6 columns, in column 2,3,5 I have <select> and my html show well, but when I convert to dhtmlxGrid, the select show in columns 1,2,3 </STRONG>that is to say <STRONG>dont respect the order of my filters… What`s my error…


Thanks… attach example file (1.45 KB)

You are using
        <td rowspan=“2”
but grid can’t reuse rowspans assigned to original table, as result incorrect structure rendered.