Installing Gantt Commercial version - Salesforce Integration


Once we acquire a Commercial license , how do we migrate the existing code built with the trial version to the commercial one? Could you elaborate on the steps involved in implementing the migration, specific to integration with Salesforce - Lightning Web Components? We download the Demo code from the Github link and built our features on top of it. What changes are to be made to our code, bearing in mind the code structure given in the above github link.



In order to migrate to the commercial version you only need to replace dhtmlxGantt files (dhtmlxgantt.js and dhtmlxgantt.css),
the code will continue working as before, no other changes should be required.

Please beware, that if you migrate to the Commercial license specifically, there are some functional differences between the Commercial and the Evaluation builds.
Evaluation build contains all features of the Enterprise/Ultimate packages, some of them are not present in builds under the Commercial license.
Namely, the ability to create multiple instances of Gantt on the page
If you use this feature - you’ll need to change the code in order to switch to the Commercial version.

Our demo doesn’t use this functionality, so you should be able to migrate with no extra steps.