I am trying to integrate scheduler component with my Angular app that is built on Angular 7 and 8. I have tried all solutions given on your forum and github but unfortunately there is no luck. I am getting the following errors.
Uncaught ReferenceError: dhtmlx is not defined
at dhtmlxscheduler.js:11
at Object…/node_modules/dhtmlx-scheduler/codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.js (dhtmlxscheduler.js:319)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:79)
at Module…/src/app/scheduler/scheduler.component.ts (main.js:627)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:79)
at Module…/src/app/app.module.ts (app.component.ts:8)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:79)
at Module…/src/main.ts (environment.ts:16)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:79)
at Object.0 (main.ts:12)