I need a custom view that displays a 90 day period of time. I don’t want the hours scale displayed on the left. I want it to look just like the Month view, but for the dates to extend beyond the first month’s end date (ie. - it should end on the last day of the third month (90 days)).
Each time I try a custom view, it displays using the Week template. I have tried changing every option I could. Here is what I have now:
//3 month/90 day day view
scheduler.date.xmonth_start = scheduler.date.month_start;
scheduler.templates.xmonth_date = scheduler.templates.month_date;
scheduler.templates.xmonth_scale_date = scheduler.templates.month_scale_date;
scheduler.date.add_xmonth=function(date,inc){ return scheduler.date.add(date,1,“month”); }
scheduler.date.get_xmonth_end=function(date){ return scheduler.date.add(date,90,“day”); }
It still shows up with the Hours scale on the left and all of the dates (ex. Monday Oct. 1 - Monday Nov. 1) as columns. I want the regular Month columns (Monday - Sunday), no Hours scale on the left, and all 3 months displayed.
If this is not an option, is there at least an option to use the Year view and only display 3 months in that view instead of all 12 months?
Thanks in advance for any help.