Is Progress Bar on/off

how can i know when a progress bar in a cell is On or is Off??

i have a layout whit 4 cells,

first cell i have a form
second cell i have a chart1
third cell i have a chart2
fourth cell i have a chart3

when i push a button in the form, i reload the charts, in every chart i put a XLS, XLE events
XLS triggers progressON
XLE triggers progressOff

i need to know when three charts are completly loaded and then handle a function

any idea??

thank you :slight_smile:

There is my approach:

[code] dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, “4T”, “dhx_skyblue”);
formData = [{ type: “label”, list: [{ type: “button”, value: “Reload”, name: “btn”, id: “btn” }]}];
myForm = dhxLayout.cells(“a”).attachForm(formData);
myForm.attachEvent(“onButtonClick”, function(id){
if(id == “btn”){

        barChart1 = dhxLayout.cells("b").attachChart({
            view: "pie",
            value: "#sales#",
            color: "#color#",
            pieInnerText: "#sales#",
            legend: {
                width: 75,
                align: "right",
                valign: "middle",
                template: "#month#"
        barChart1.attachEvent("onXLS", function(){
        barChart1.attachEvent("onXLE", function(){