Is there any way to load server generated normal occurrences to the Scheduler?

I have a server API, which will return events and all the occurrences of these events. The occurrences are generated by the server. And I load the data to the Scheduler. But I found the occurrences in the Scheduler is generated by the Scheduler, not the occurrences returned by the server API.
You can see in the picture, the occurrence id is generated.

I went through this demo’s loaded data:
It seems that every occurrence who has a valid event_pid, also has a unix timestamp as the event_length value. So I think the occurrences in this demo are the exception occurrences described in this doc:

So is this means the Scheduler only loads the exception occurrences, and always generates the other normal occurrences?
Is there any way to load server generated normal occurrences to the Scheduler?

Hello @shenyinabcd,

So is this means the Scheduler only loads the exception occurrences, and always generates the other normal occurrences?

Yes, you are correct - the main recurring event is just one record, that will be used to generate all other recurrings. And all exceptions will be handled as separate records.

Is there any way to load server generated normal occurrences to the Scheduler?

Yes, you can generate and load the recurring event with the correct pattern, so the scheduler will generate occurrences for this series.
If you want to manually generate single occurrences - unfortunately, there is no such option.

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Thank you for your reply! It helps me