Is this a bug? help~!

In version 7.1.10 pro
Why doesn’t add work on an empty grid?

Curiously, All other versions work fine.

but, I’m using 7.1.10 pro enterprise, what should I do?

Looks like this was just a problem with 7.1.10. In 7.2.0 it was fixed. Here is snippet: with your single row and another add with multiple rows. Can you install this version?

I am aware of what you said.

But I don’t know how to download 7.2.0 pro version.

I only received the license and the download link for version 7.1.10 pro in the mail.

I am not the person who purchased this product.

The purchase of the product was made by a salesperson within the company.

so I’m not familiar with the licensing policy.

Can I download the 7.2.0 version?

If I can, what should I do?

Here is the Client Area that contains all the updates:

You will need the email the product is registered under and the license number to gain access. Do you have?

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