if i insert a column to the grid that is formula type like( ‘ed[=c1+c2]’, it throws an JS error as this.cells3(…) is null or not an object but i could able to insert normal editable column into my grid. Please let me know how to fix this
Add Column
Thanks in advance
Please, try to use the:
<button onClick="newcreateBOM.insertColumn(newcreateBOM.getColumnsNum(),'test1','ed[=c1+c2]',100);">Add Column</button>
No Luck… still getting same below error
Message: ‘this.cells3(…)’ is null or not an object
Line: 16
Char: 364
Code: 0
URI: localhost:8080/bb_dev/view/js/gr … id_mcol.js
for the below code suggested
Add Column
but it is working for the normal editable column insert with below code
Add Column
suspecting whether inserColumn API accept formula type column insertion, pls advice
Attached Source code file herewith… Please help to resolve this
InsertColumn.zip (936 Bytes)
unfortunately the math formula can be added to the grid column before the init of the grid only.