We are using DHTMLX tree grid control in the yui layout manager. In the center panel of yui layout manager we have a iframe which has tree grid control. We have ‘enabledAutoHeight’ configured in our tree grid. When the contents of the tree grid are large (and when we get scroll bars to window) then right clicking on the tree grid cell causes the context menu to appear always on top instead of aligning it to the cell.
Debugging the DHTMLX_Grid.js…it looks to be some problem in ‘_contextStart’ api…where it does some calculation to place the context menu div w.r.t to window.
Code Snippets-
var dEl0=window.document.documentElement;
var dEl1=window.document.body;
if(e.screenY-winScreenTop+a.offsetHeight-(dEl0.scrollTop||dEl1.scrollTop) > (dEl0.clientHeight||dEl1.clientHeight)){//-e.offsetY
var verCor = a.offsetHeight
var verCor = ((this.contextMenu._msTop*(-1))||0);
var corrector = new Array((dEl0.scrollLeft||dEl1.scrollLeft)+(this.contextMenu._msLeft||0),verCor-(dEl0.scrollTop||dEl1.scrollTop));
Any help would be greatly appreciated…
Could you please provide the complete demo sample to support@dhtmlx.com ?
We will send you the fix.