Issue regarding css


I have integrated dhtmlscheduler as a module into another project. In that it has got its own css for its header and footer. so into the content portion only i am inserting the code of dhtml. Formally, it was not displaying the dhx_cal_data and and dhx_cal_header classes.

And when i used padding along with the cal_container class. Its displayed and everything happens fine. but the problem is that

in mozilla —the event box and its controls are appearing distorted.

in IE–the appearance doesnt have any problem. looks good.but no scroll on right side of the screen for scrolling the scale.[ but its all right compared to the case of mozilla]

Do you have any suggestion regarding this issue. Please provide me with your valuable suggestion

Thank You



>> Formally, it was not displaying the dhx_cal_data and and dhx_cal_header classes

probably some css classes of your module redefine scheduler styles.