issue with addrow()


Iam using grid.splitAt(1) function in my code.and i am using grid.addrow() functon for inserting a new row.a new row added at the bottom of the grid but 1st column is not visible.How can i make that as visible?

addrow command is executed after splitAt function.Iam using smart rendering mode.Id also unique.while adding new row was insertes but first column is not visible.if i click on the column header at that time the fist colmun of the newly added row is visible.why it is not visible intially while adding?

Problem can’t be reconstructed locally. ( working sample sent by email )
If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample where it can be reconstructed ( you can send it directly to )


i used splitAt(1) functionality and smartrendering functionality in my code.I used below code for adding new row.


        var restId = mygrid.cells(id,0); 

new row was inserted at the bottom but first column for that row is not visible.If i clicked on that column header then that cell become visible.How can i make the cell visible intially means while adding?Intially  value to that cell also populated.But that value is not visible intially.After sorting it become visible.I used smarrtrendering and splitAt functionalities at correct place

The sample ( sent by email , as answer on original post ) , uses nearly the same js code to add new row and works correctly.
Please check is it work for you.

We can’t reconstruct the same problem with local samples, so we need some kind of sample or demo link where it can be reconstructed, it impossible to suggest anythign without ability to recreate issue.


Iam sending the demo link through this email.In this Iam using smart rendering.while adding a new row it was not inserted into the grid properly.If i disable smart rendering then it is working fine.please provide solution for that.Iam using splitAt() function in my code.New row was inserted but first column for that row is not visible.If i clicked on that column header then that cell become visible.How can i make the cell visible intially means while adding? (114 KB)