We have a UI developed for both desktop and mobile. The desktop version works perfectly. In the mobile view the dhtmlx toolbar buttons dont click properly (Apply Filters, Reset). Any idea why this happens. Is the dhtmlx toolbar mobile compatible ?
We are using latest version of DHTMLX professional and is using skinned web theme.
The initialization code is
blkData = dhxLayout.cells('b');
tbrFilters = blkFilters.attachToolbar();
tbrFilters.setIconsPath(dhx_iconpath); //defined in _main.tmpl
tbrFilters.attachEvent("onClick", function(id){
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
dhtmlx toolbar buttons do not work on mobile Chrome browser.
Tested that on multiple devices (more than 10).
However, there is an additional fact you have to know.
Only version of dhtmlxtoolbar.js and dhtmlx.js that are downloaded from site as a package suffer from this error.
Versions that are used on site in examples WORK FLAWLESSLY.
They even work if one is to download entire page with a sample and run it on local server – samples work, but they produce “unlicensed use” message.
Versions without this message do NOT work. Controls do not respond to touch at all, no events are fired, etc.
Thank you for the update but its very unfortunate and disappointing. We purchased the PRO version and a majority of the application is now built using DHTMLX components. Our application is now getting mobile ready and this is really bad news.
Is there a possibility that there will be a quick fix or something like that in the PRO or other versions since your samples have overcome this issue ? Display of “unlicensed copy” messages on our product does not look good since we have our clients who use our product just like yours.
We’re currently working on this issue, please drop us an email to sales@dhtmlx.com anyone who would like to test toolbar beta version or open ticket in a support system.
I think it might be also helpful to note that I had NO issue in mobile with the suite 4.5.0 pro version, but I am now having the same toolbar button issue with the latest suite 4.6.1 pro version. So, the dhtmlx toolbar has been mobile compatible up until I switched to the most recent version.
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