Issue with detachToolbar On Undock Layout


We are facing the issue: The steps are as follows

  1. When User Undocks the window.
  2. User reloads the content of Undock layout and also at the same time tries to update the visible commands on the toolbar by first detaching the toolbar from the layout and then attaching the new toolbar.
  3. When the undocked window is Docked back then there are mulitple toolbars added to the layout.

It seems that the issue is while detaching the toolbar from the layout in Undock mode.

Attached is the sample files to reproduce the issue.

It is urgent issue, kindly provide the solution at the earliest.

Saurabh Saxena (183 KB)


try to use

dhxToolbar.loadXML(“common/dhxtoolbar_button.xml?etc=” + new Date().getTime());

instead of

var dhxToolbar = dhxLayout.cells(“a”).detachToolbar();
dhxToolbar = dhxLayout.cells(“a”).attachToolbar();
dhxToolbar.loadXML(“common/dhxtoolbar_button.xml?etc=” + new Date().getTime());


Thanks for the response.

We do not have the dhxtoolbar object when we are refreshing the Layout.

  1. Is there any API by which we can get the attached toolbar object from the layout or layout cell.

  2. Also we have found similar issue with the Progress bar while using with Undock layout cell.
    The progress bar is shown on the collapsed layout cell while the layout cell is undocked.

  3. Also similar issue if we show the progress bar for the complete layout then the progress bar is Modal Window for the complete layout expect the Undock layout cell.

Attached is example and steps are :

  • First undock the layout cell “a”.
  • Click on the reload layout cell “a”.
    Both 2 & 3 issues will be reproduced.

Saurabh Saxena (211 KB)


Is there any API by which we can get the attached toolbar object from the layout or layout cell.

var toolbar = layout.cells(“a”).attachToolbar();

The progress bar is shown on the collapsed layout cell while the layout cell is undocked.

To show progress bar in window you can use the following method:


Also similar issue if we show the progress bar for the complete layout then the progress bar is Modal Window for the complete layout expect the Undock layout cell.

Window doesn’t appear under the progress container. You can place some check and call dockWindow(itemId) method from “onUnDock” event if the progress is on.