Issues with IE7 and checkbox fields


I’m using DHTMLX v3.0 and am having an issue with IE7 and checkbox fields in dhtmlxForm.

In IE7 the checkbox fields are showing above their labels and not to the right of their labels.
In IE7 a user cannot select text in the password field.

Here is a live demonstration of the issue:

Here is a screen shot showing the first issue: … 9_1049.png

Here is a video trying to show the second issue: … 46_001.swf

Any thoughts on why this is happening?

Thanks in advance. Also, if it would help, I can send you the info for my company’s current subscription to the Pro version.

Forgot to mention: please PM me for the username/password for the link to the demonstration page.


Regarding pwd selection in ie:
open dhtmlxform.js, find:
if (({input:true,fieldset:true,block:true})[type] !== true)
change to:
if (({input:true,fieldset:true,block:true,password:true,calendar:true,colorpicker:true})[type] !== true)

2nd issue in progress

Thanks for looking into this Andrei.

It seems as though I cannot PM you the login info. It says you have PM disabled.

Please advise. I can also remove the password from the website if you prefer.


You can send login details to support at dhtmlx dot com
Please include link to this topic

I emailed the login details to support on May 31st. Did you get them?

Any update on this issue?


you will get a mail in nearest future with updates.