Issues with serializing a tree

This question is in continuation with the one I asked a couple of days back. The link for the previous question is below.
localhost:8080/RoadToData/web/js … tree_xw.js :: anonymous :: line 9"  data: no]

And when I try to play around, like expand, collapse or delete some node and again press Save, it starts working. What can be the issue…?


>> but I am not able to put the correct code.

In case if you modified tree code in the way mentioned in original topic, you can modify serialization as

dhtmlxtree_xw.js , linen 108+ , code in bold need|may be added

out=’<item id="’’" ‘+(this._getOpenState(itemNode)==1?’ custom1="’+this.itemNode.attrs.custom1+’" open=“1” '

>>I try to save the tree (as in serialize) it gives the following exception
This is caused by problem with serialization of not-parsed XML branches ( most probably you are using smart xml parsing mode )
Please contact us directly at - we will provide latest version of js file, which must resolve issue.