Java connector log session variable

Hello there!
I am doing a project using the purchased java connector.
I have the connected user username in a session variable, (“username”), and I need to log this to the logfile whenever I do updates using a form connector.

I noticed that using php I can add custom log entries using
LogMaster::log(“any text here”);

but my question is

  1. how do I write custom log entries in JAVA ?
  2. how do I get the session variable from the java connector script ?

At present my script is simply:

public class CnctEleCLGForm extends ConnectorServlet {
protected void configure() {
Connection conn = ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
FormConnector c = new FormConnector(conn, DBType.Oracle);
c.enable_log(“/logs/cnctEleCLGForm.log”, true);
c.event.attach(new eleDataCustomBehavior());


you may use LogManager in java:

LogManager.getInstance().log("some message");

To get variable from session you should get object HttpSession. To do it you should use ThreadSafeConnectorServlet instead of ConnectorServlet:

public class CnctEleCLGForm extends ConnectorServlet {
    protected void configure(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
        Connection conn = ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
        FormConnector c = new FormConnector(conn, DBType.Oracle);
        c.enable_log("/logs/cnctEleCLGForm.log", true);
        c.servlet(req, res);
        String value = req.getSession(true).getValue();
        // now you may pass value or session object into behavior constructor
        c.event.attach(new eleDataCustomBehavior());


Thank you very much, I will try immediately!

One more question: what java versions are your libraries compatible with? I ask because my customer is using Tomcat 5.5 which only supports J2EE 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 Web modules

Java connector works only starting from Java 1.5.