joined two tables

Hello ,

i want to joined two table please see the below code already u joined the query but it give me error plaese tell me how we write the query.

“grid->render_sql(“select * from shot,shotTaskArtist where shotTaskArtist.projID = shot.projID and shot.projID=‘om’ and shotTaskArtist.shotID = shot.shotID”,“shot.shotID”,“shotID,shotStatus,taskID,TaskREF,task_note,mandays,userID,taskStatus,startDate,endDate,priority,naxt_sub,last_sub,actualMandays,supervisorName”);”;

<?php     $res=mysql_connect(“localhost”,“root”,"");




//     $projID=$_REQUEST[‘projid’];


    $grid = new GridConnector($res);



$grid->render_sql(“select * from shot,shotTaskArtist where shotTaskArtist.projID = shot.projID and shot.projID=‘om’ and shotTaskArtist.shotID = shot.shotID”,“shot.shotID”,“shotID,shotStatus,taskID,TaskREF,task_note,mandays,userID,taskStatus,startDate,endDate,priority,naxt_sub,last_sub,actualMandays,supervisorName”);


please reply me as sson as possible bause with the help of this query i have coml[peted so many task of my grid.

with the help of this table it will show me only data but not update the sort the data .










try to enable log to get the error details
