Joomla plugin Spreadsheet: SQL table names.

The installation of your dhtmlxSpreadsheet plugin results in the following SQL tables:

In my example “jos” is the default table prefix defined by Joomla. The names of the tables, that are created by your plugin during the installation, have the potential to cause problems. Especially the last table, in my example “jos_user”, has a “unhandy” name. It could result in a conflict with other components or Joomla core parts.

Therefor I would recommend, that your plugin chooses unique table names, that have a prefix like e.g “dhx”, during the installation. In my example this would result in table names like:

The chance, that other extensions or core components uses the same table name prefix is low. And the database handling is much easier.

thanks, it’s a really good feedback.
This enhacement will be introduced in the next version.

Hi radyno,

in which file, to what parameter or SQL query do I have to add the prefix, if I want to change the table name in an already installed plugin? The table names in the database are no problem, I can edit them with phpMyAdmin - or whatever.

If I know the place, where to add the prefix in the code, I do not need to uninstall the running version. Or do you recommend to uninstall the installed plugin and to install your updated version?

Thank you for you help!

you may modify prefix in plugins/content/spreadsheet/spreadsheet_data.php like here:

$db_prefix = $cfg->dbprefix.'dhx_';