KeyPress event on Android

I’m having some problems with Android browser and the KeyPress event.
I want to act on “Enter” being pressed in a textbox but not on anything else.

[code]dhx.extend($$(“control_text_6”), dhx.KeyEvents);

    $$("control_text_6").attachEvent("onKeyPress", function (key)
        if(key == 13) // enter
            $$("control_textarea_4").setValue('entered value: '+ $$("control_text_6").getValue());

The problem is that when I touch the keyboard once, regardless of the key, the keyboard is closed right away.

I have tried to put a return value on the event handler but it doesn’t help.
On the iPad (iPad2) both the Safari browser and the Chrome browser keeps the keyboard open until “Enter” is pressed.

Any idea on how to make the keyboard stay open on Android like it is supposed to?

The problem is that when I touch the keyboard once, regardless of the key, the keyboard is closed right away.

We have not managed to reproduce the problem locally. Could you please provide a demo and information about Android version ?