We are wondering about how to do this. I expected a separate view for this.
I looked at the documentation and did not find a hint on how to approach this.
What comes closest is the Agenda view where I would be able to automatically load more events.
As people nowadays expect continuous scrolling, I and thinking that this might also be of interest to you generally. Days, Weeks, Months, … they all might be affected by that usage pattern expectation.
Just a clarification - the requirement is ta have a view that looks similar to “month” view, but displays more than one month(some custom number of months), am I right?
In order to send updates between both scheduler instances. And also you will have to implement some synchronization for different actions, like onEventChanged/onEventDeleted/onEventAdded.
If your requirement is different, could you please clarify it with more details, so I will be able to discuss it with the dev team?
I think that multiple calendars will not work. The restriction is that people use this software under GPLv2, not Pro.
So, this is not a business request but a community feedback/request. (since you are working with the dual licensing model, I recognize)
The general thinking behind this is not to view the calendar as chopped up by a month but prioritize all the dates that lie in the future. This is especially annoying if you are on the last days of the month and find that you do not see the next month.
This concerns:
The week view
The month view
Could be possibly the day view
the Agenda view
Not for the minimal feature set but the vision:
one wants to look into the future only, a certain amount of days, hours, weeks, months
events in the past are of no relevance
This is different from how I experienced the fundamental assumption of the DHTMLX Scheduler and so I would understand that this is maybe harder to implement. However, I would like to say that modern calendars have this feature, e.g. the Fullcalendar - a competitor.
I created a modified screenshot here - today would be the 18th.
To note the context is a kiosk mode calendar that shows what is going on in the company and who has holidays next. This calendar gets refreshes once a day and is visible to all employees.
Thanks for your reply and questions. I hope, I could bring more clarity about the idea so that you know how to prioritize it. Please feel free to ask me about it! I would like to know if this gets planned to be included in a release - being aware that I am not a paying customer.
Thank you for the clarification, the exact requirement is still not fully clear for me, so it may be helpful if you provide main points of the requirement.
As I can understand from now - the requirement is to show any view from today, am I right?
Could be possibly the day view
This thing isn’t clear for me, as day view contains only one day, how it should be modified in your case?
the Agenda view
Agenda view allows setting the start date of the view, so you can set it to the new Date(), so it will show events only from today date:
@Siarhei, thanks for asking for clarification.
Yes, the Agenda view is ok and works as is.
The day view - I would say it is out of scope for this feature request.
So, only the week and month view are the important ones.
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