Layout adjustments and the moving coordination for multiple scheduler

Hi team,

There are some questions from my end.

Q1(Yellow): Would it be possible to replace just a text with the period view of timeline_date?
30 Oct 2023 - 5 Nov 2023
Available Cars

Q2(Green): I added the 2nd scheduler and the below codes to hide the navigation bar.

    scheduler2.xy.nav_height = 0
    scheduler2.xy.scale_height = 0

However, it seems that there is small offset about 3px.
Does Scheduler have any options to completely hide box-shadow(by dhx_cal_scale_placeholder) and the slight offset?

Do you have any solutions to move both Scheduler_1 and Scheduler_2 together when the button was clicked in Scheduler_1?

This example is scrollbar though… the 2nd timeline following the 1st one like this:

Thank you for your support in advance.


Hi @meicom ,

Regarding this question:

Q1(Yellow): Would it be possible to replace just a text with the period view of timeline_date?
30 Oct 2023 - 5 Nov 2023
Available Cars

Yes, it’s possible with the {timelineName}_date template:{timelinename}_date_template.html

Like follows:

scheduler.templates.timeline_date = function(date1, date2){
    return "Available Cars";

Here is a demo:

Regarding this question:

However, it seems that there is small offset about 3px.
Does Scheduler have any options to completely hide box-shadow(by dhx_cal_scale_placeholder) and the slight offset?

There is no some config, but technically you can do it with the CSS, for example with negative margin, like follows:

    #scheduler_here_2 .dhx_cal_scale_placeholder{
        margin-top: -3px;
        box-shadow: none;

Here is a demo:

You also can try different CSS combinations to get the required result.

Regarding this question:

Do you have any solutions to move both Scheduler_1 and Scheduler_2 together when the button was clicked in Scheduler_1?

Yes, it’s possible to synchronize two schedulers scrolling by listening to changes in one of them with the onViewChange event, and calling the setCurrentView on the second one, here is a demo:

Kind regards,

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Hi Siarhei,

These solutions are very useful.
Thank you for your kind support.
