Layout first use questions

To resolve the issue with layout height please use attached file instead of the original. The skin of the accordion could be set by setSkin method:

dhxAccord.setSkin(“dhx_blue”); (18.8 KB)

Sorry - just to be clear which of the three problems left above is this trying to solve ?
(I was not sure what “issue with layout height” was).


In your sample, footer is not displayed. The layout height is bigger than it should be. This file resolves this issue.


I tried this and it worked but there seems to be one blank line at the bottom of cell ‘e’ that is not affected by the height of cell ‘e’ at all.

So if I set the height to (10) and have one line of text in the

you get two lines – first line of text and a blank line.

I have also done some work on the other issues.

  1. When I set “header” and/or “footer” to style=“display:none” the “header” and/or “footer” disappear unlike other
    containers which once placed inside dhtmlxlayout override “display:none” against the

    ‘Solved’ in a different way by positioning the ‘footer’ using style ‘bottom’ / ‘left’ – and therefore it does not appear to move on running the layout at all – I still think there is an issue here with ‘display:none’ and ‘headers’ / ‘footers’ but my solution masks it.

    1. I have tried the imgs solution and still have problems with blue / skyblue.

    See attachment two posts above - with the accordion set to dhtmlxaccordion_dhx_blue.css this does not work however ‘black’ does.

    ‘Solved’ by using new dhtmlXAccordion(“userpagefof”, “dhx_skyblue”); which seems to allow the colour to be set correctly.

    1. For the problem of filling up the dhtmlxlayout cell with accordion items I tried “to initialize accordion in a certain html container and then place this container in layout cell by attachObject method” as suggested but it seemed to make no difference. Even setting “overflow: auto” in the
      container did not work.
      The accordion items end up being impossible to use as when open they have very small content.

      Not Solved

For the problem of filling up the dhtmlxlayout cell with accordion items I tried

Accordion could be in a container with fixed height. And this container is inside another container that is placed into the layout cell:


I still seem to have problems with this last issue even with your change.

The issue seems to be that when I attach a large number of Accordion items into an Accordion that is in a layout cell the contents just seems to get smaller and smaller until it is impossible to use.

What is the recommended actions here – in my application the server could limit the number of items in the Accordion.

I also have the issue mentioned above eg:

I tried this and it worked but there seems to be one blank line at the bottom of cell ‘e’ that is not affected by the height of cell ‘e’ at all.

So if I set the height to (10) and have one line of text in the

you get two lines – first line of text and a blank line.

Please attach the completed demo and describe the problem in detail.

I have attached 2 files:

  1. For the problem with layout cell ‘e’ has an extra line under the ‘text’ from the

    This is the main problem I have with the layout at present.

    1. Lots of accordion cells makes it impossible to use these cells.

    I can think of a few solutions here but would like your opinion.

    Thanks for any help.

) Lots of accordion cells makes it impossible to use these cells.

In previous posts you asked about scroll. To see it the inner div (userpagefoff) should be bigger than outer (accordion):

For the problem with layout cell ‘e’ has an extra line under the ‘text’ from the

The minimum height of layout cell is 40px. To decrease it, you may use the following:

dhxLayout._minHeight = 20;


On the minHeight this works - so thanks again.

On the scrollbar - the problem is I do not know how many cell entries there are going to be so setting the height in the accordion

will be difficult - is there anything else I can do ?
If not I will limit the number of cell entries in my server logic so at least the entries that are there display correctly.

We do not have other ideas how to resolve the issue with accordion items.

Thanks for all your help on these issues much appreciated.