Layout first use questions


I have just started to use the layout download and have a few basic questions.

History – Before using layout I had the scheduler configured as below.

Note: I am using tiles for headers and footers.

  <div id='userpagescheduler' style="width:800px; height:400px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;">  
    <div id="scheduler_here" class="dhx_cal_container" style='width:100%; height:100%;'>
      <div class="dhx_cal_navline">
        <div class="dhx_cal_prev_button">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="dhx_cal_next_button">&nbsp;</div>
	    <div class="dhx_cal_today_button"></div>
 	    <div class="dhx_cal_date"></div>
  	    <div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="day_tab" style="right:204px;"></div>
	    <div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="week_tab" style="right:140px;"></div>
 	    <div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="month_tab" style="right:76px;"></div>
	  <div class="dhx_cal_header"></div>
	  <div class="dhx_cal_data"></div>		

To use the layout I placed the following div container round this logic and added the layout initialisation.

<div id="userpagebody" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">
 ...... as above

var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("userpagebody", "3W");

The basics seem to work.

So my questions are:

  1. When the page gets loaded the original scheduler layout is seen briefly – should I have the above div containers structures in another way to avoid this ?

  2. I am getting a page horizontal scroll bar – even though the layout seems to fit the page completely.

  3. I would really like the cell ‘b’ – the one with the scheduler in - to be a larger width than I am getting but – setWidth – does not seem to work. I would also like it so this cell cannot be collapsed.

Thanks for any help much appreciated.

I have also noticed that my JSP text below the ‘userpagebody’ container is not displayed.


You may use attachScheduler method to put the scheduler into layout cell. setWidth works in this case. Please check the sample:

I would also like it so this cell cannot be collapsed.
if(id == “a”)

Or you may hide header:

I have also noticed that my JSP text below the ‘userpagebody’ container is not displayed.

Does this issue relate scheduler or layout?


I did look in the download for a scheduler example but in the download I did over the weekend of the layout in 04_components I have no 11 - I have 10_status and 12_gmaps but no 11.


Sorry. You are right. This sample as well as Scheduler libraries is not included into the Suite package.
You may check the following sample:


Thanks a few questions further.

  1. I assume I do not need


if I use

  1. I have used your example - thanks:

if(id == "a")

Is there a way to remove the ‘<<’ from the header?

I am doing the following.

var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("userpagebody", "3W");

div id="userpagebody" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">

However my Tiles footer and text in a

container below the ‘userpagebody’ is not displayed eg.

var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("userpagebody", "3W");
div id="userpagebody" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">
Text not displayed  
  1. I am getting a windows page horizontal scroll bar – even though the layout seems to fit the page completely.

Thanks for any help.

Done some more work on question 3 above:

        var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "3W");

with layout as below:


     <table width="100%" border="0">

<div id="header">  
 <img src="/Logo.png" alt="" width="15%">
 <a href="/j_spring_security_logout">Logout</a>
 <div id="time">
   Current Time: 
  <div id="clock" class="jclock"></div>
<hr> </td>  
        <td valign="top" align="left">
<div id="userpagebody1" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">         

<div id="userpageheader" style="background-color: teal;">
   <img id="image" src="/DisplayImage?userid=1" alt="" height="80" width="8%" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;">
   User Name: a <br>
   First Name: a<br> 
   Last Name: a <br>

<div id="userpagebody" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">

<div id="testing">           
display relationships - jb page  

<script type="text/javascript">window.onload=init;</script>   
        <td><div id="footer">
Copyright @ 2011
</div> </td>  

I have also tried.

       var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "3W");


       var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("userpagebody1", "3W");

None of which seem to work - any help appreciated.

Note 1: ‘header’ and ‘footer’ above produced by ‘tiles’.

Note 2: I have removed all the ‘table’ stuff above - but still no success - I think the issue is that I have two headers (one from tiles and one from my page) and two footer (one from my page and one from tiles) and I am not sure how to set up dhtlmxlayout for this case.


Is there a way to remove the ‘<<’ from the header?


Why are you using absolute position ? Make sure that all containers haev desired sized.

var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, “3W”);

Layout will occupy the whole page as it is initialized in body. There will be only header, footer and layout of the page.


Still some issues – sorry.

I have changed my layout as follows to simplify things.

I am now using pattern “5I”.

var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "5I");


         dhxLayout.cells("a").fixSize(true, true);
         dhxLayout.cells("b").fixSize(true, true);
         dhxLayout.cells("c").fixSize(true, true);
         dhxLayout.cells("d").fixSize(true, true);
         dhxLayout.cells("e").fixSize(true, true);
         dhxLayout.cells("b").setText("Left Text");
         dhxLayout.cells("d").setText("Right Text");


<div id="header">  
 <img src="/Logo.png" alt="" width="15%">
<div id="time">
   Current Time: 
  <div id="clock" class="jclock"></div>
<div id="userpageheader" style="background-color: teal;">
   <img id="image" src="/DisplayImage?userid=1" alt="" height="80" width="8%" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;">
   User Name: a <br>
   First Name: a<br> 
   Last Name: a <br>
     <div id="footer">
Copyright @ 2011

html, body {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        margin: 0px;
        overflow: hidden;

So the issues I have with the above are.

  1. I do not see cell ‘e’ at all.

  2. The ‘footer’ is not below cells ‘b,c,d’ – it is part of cell ‘b’.

  3. On the first loading of the page I am still seeing the ‘header’ , ’userpageheader’ and ‘footer’ which are then overwritten by the layout – how do I stop this ?

  4. The scheduler in cell ‘c’ – I cannot see the bottom of the calendar ie. 23:00 in week view – and if I open an event in IE for 22:00 you cannot see the save/close part so you cannot use this event.

  5. In FF cell ‘a’ is partially overwritten by cells ‘b,c,d’.

Again thanks for any help.

Could you attach the completed demo? … leted_demo

My application is available online now would it be ok if once I have uploaded the problem settup I send a link and logon details to your support email address as I have done before ?

It would be better if you attach completed demo. We do not require to the real application, just sample that reproduces the problem.

I have had a go at providing the problem as requested.

Note: I have had some difficulty actually getting the scheduler into the example ie. no cells for events on the display – but I do not think this affects the issues raised before.

Which are:

  1. I do not see cell ‘e’ at all.

  2. The ‘footer’ is not below cells ‘b,c,d’ – it is part of cell ‘b’.

  3. On the first loading of the page I am still seeing the ‘header’ , ’userpageheader’ and ‘footer’ which are then overwritten by the layout – how do I stop this ?

  4. The scheduler in cell ‘c’ – I cannot see the bottom of the calendar ie. 23:00 in week view – and if I open an event in IE for 22:00 you cannot see the save/close part so you cannot use this event.

  5. Cell ‘a’ is partially overwritten by cells ‘b,c,d’.

In also have some questions on the Accordion I have in cell ‘b’.

  1. Can the user close all the Accordion sections so it looks the same as when first loaded ?

  2. On my real site I can get dhx_black to work for the Accordion but not blue or skyblue – on the example even black does not appear to work.

Again thanks for any help.


I have solved 1, 2 and 4 above by setting the cell Height (‘e’) to 150 rather than 80.

So I do not need help with these I only need help with 3,5,6,7 - thanks

Note: On 5 it appears that the dhtmlxlayout is placing the contents on cell ‘a’ to low in cell ‘a’ leaving a gap - therefore pushing the rest of cell ‘a’ down.

  1. I have also noticed the header has a blank line at the top of it placed there by the dhtmlxlayout funtionality - can this be removed ?

I have been doing some more work and have solved 5 (to do with using

in the cell) and 8 (to do with
not being in the correct place in the

So I could do with help on.

  1. On the first loading of the page I am still seeing the ‘footer’ – then being overwritten by the dhtmlxlayout – how do I stop this – setting display:none as I have done in the ‘userpageheader’ does not work.

  2. Can I set it up so the user can close all the Accordion sections so it looks the same as when first loaded ?

  3. On my real site I can get dhx_black to work for the Accordion but not blue or skyblue – on the example even black does not appear to work.

My other questions are.

  1. How can I set the background colour of layout cell(’a’) only ?

  2. I can have many items in an Accordion that is inside a layout cell – I would like it so that when the space is full you get a scroll bar rather than as now you just do not see the items – is this possible ?

Thanks again for all your help.

On the first loading of the page I am still seeing the ‘footer’ – then being overwritten by the dhtmlxlayout

Try to set display: none for the “footer” div

Can I set it up so the user can close all the Accordion sections so it looks the same as when first loaded ?

Accordion in multimode allows t close all the items:


In basic mode, you may close all the items by close method:


On my real site I can get dhx_black to work for the Accordion but not blue or skyblue – on the example even black does not appear to work.

There is not imgs folder in your sample. Skins apply background images. Therefore, the imgs folder must be included.

How can I set the background colour of layout cell(’a’) only ?

You need to set background color for the html object that you place in layout cell.

I can have many items in an Accordion that is inside a layout cell – I would like it so that when the space is full you get a scroll bar rather than as now you just do not see the items – is this possible ?

It is impossible if you use attachAccordion method. Try to initialize accordion in a certain html container and then place this container in layout cell by attachObject method.

Thanks for this information I will have a look but I have tried the imgs solution and still have some problems with blue / skyblue.

I have added a file with the accordion set to dhtmlxaccordion_dhx_blue.css this does not work however ‘black’ does.

Also if I set header or footer to style=“display:none” unlike other

containers the header/footers disappear.

More information.

Still some issues but some solved - thanks.

Issues left.

  1. When I set “header” and/or “footer” to style=“display:none” the “header” and/or “footer” disappear unlike other

    containers which once placed inside dhtmlxlayout override “display:none” against the
  2. I have tried the imgs solution and still have problems with blue / skyblue.

  3. See attachment two posts above - with the accordion set to dhtmlxaccordion_dhx_blue.css this does not work however ‘black’ does.

    1. For the problem of filling up the dhtmlxlayout cell with accordion items I tried “to initialize accordion in a certain html container and then place this container in layout cell by attachObject method” as suggested but it seemed to make no difference. Even setting “overflow: auto” in the
      container did not work.
      The accordion items end up being impossible to use as when open they have very small content.

      Thanks again for any help.