Layout in windows expands but doesn't contract on resize

In the following code using version 3.6, width resizing doesn’t work properly in IE8 (in standards and compatibility mode) and IE11 (in compatbility mode). I didn’t test other ie versions. Works fine in firefox and chrome.

When the window size increases the cell widths are resized properly. When window size is decreased, the width cells are not decreased.

I added the resize event handlers to try to force the layout to resize, but that didn’t work.

Please help. Thanks.

  function loadWin(){
    dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows();
    win = dhxWins.createWindow('myWin', 5, 190, 400, 400);;
    formLayout = win.attachLayout("3E");
    var aCell = formLayout.cells("a");

    var bCell = formLayout.cells("b");

    var cCell = formLayout.cells("c");
    cCell.attachHTMLString('<div><div style="float:right;"><button>Test1</button><button>Test2</button></div></div>');
    formLayout.setAutoSize("a;b;c", "b");
//    win.attachEvent("onResizeFinish", function(win){ console.log('win resize'); formLayout.setSizes(); } );
//    formLayout.attachEvent("onResizeFinish", function(){ console.log('layout resize'); } );
//    cCell.attachEvent("onResizeFinish", function(){ console.log('cCell resize'); } );

What build do you have? There was fix for IE11 in the latest 3.6 build

I have 3.6 130619 patched with ie fix files from 131023. I really need this to work with ie8 - ie11 in compatibility mode.

I am open to changing the layout. I need a cells a & c to have static height, but variable width.

Thank you.

The buils with fixes was 3.5_131108
Please, write us on with a link to this topic - we will send you the latest build

I sent an email with subject “build that corrects window resize problems” to support as requested about 5 days ago. I have not gotten any response. I submitted a support ticket: RMR-525623 but the support account is in the name of something in our purchasing department. Please help.

Answered you in support system

Thank you. I just tested v36_pro_131108. Resizing works fine in ie11, but it does not work as described above in ie8.

Is there a fix for this?

Please, reopen (or open new) ticket and attach completed demo to inspect it for testing in IE8 … pport.html