Are you using any custom css files on the page ? Try to disable them. If issue fixed after removing custom css files - it must be a css conflict ( some global css rule, which affects all html elements on the page, including ones in the scheduler )
By default the class dhx_month_body controls the border that you’re missing in the screenshots (it’s supposed to contain a definition of “border-bottom: 1px solid #CECECE;”). Make sure you aren’t overwriting this particular value in any internal or external CSS definitions relating to the dhx_month_body class.
Or even just redefine it in a style tag after including all of your external CSS files, if the problem persists after this there could be 2 reasons:
You’ve changed the schedulers default behavior for what classes it includes to each element.
You’re defining the dhx_month_body class further down in your code that’s overwriting the border-bottom property you’ve just added.
another possible reason is a page’s zoom level. If you zoom out the page, browser might not display some of 1px lines.
That would also explain a slightly shifted layout on the screenshots.
Please check the page in 100% (default) zoom, it should be displayed correctly then
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