Sorry, I thought you would see the rest of the thread.
I have a dhtmlXLayout with 3 cells (“3W”)
Cell “a” is fixed size
Cells “b” and “c” are not fixed in width.
We need to allow cell “b” to be dragged wider but only dragged smaller to a minimum width (460)
Under DhtmlX 3.6 this could be done by using…
dhxLayout.cells('b')._minW = 460;
Under DhtmlX 4, setEffect is deprecated and it looks like _minW is no longer present.
How do I set the minimum width of a single cell using DhtmlX 4.
This was functionality present under DhtmlX 3.6 and is very important to us.
DhtmlX 3.6 sample:
dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject({
parent: "dhxLayoutDiv",
pattern: "3W",
skin: "dhx_skyblue",
cells: [{
id: "a", // id of the cell you want to configure
text: "Menu", // header text
collapsed_text: "Menu", // header text for a collapsed cell
header: true, // hide header on init
width: 200, // cell init width
collapse: false, // collapse on init
fix_size: [true,true] // fix cell's size, [width,height]
{ id: "b", // id of the cell you want to configure
text: " ", // header text
collapsed_text: " ", // header text for a collapsed cell
header: true, // hide header on init
width: 460, // cell init width
collapse: false, // collapse on init
fix_size: [false,true] // fix cell's size, [width,height]
{ id: "c", // id of the cell you want to configure
text: " ", // header text
collapsed_text: " ", // header text for a collapsed cell
header: true, // hide header on init
collapse: false, // collapse on init
fix_size: [false,true] // fix cell's size, [width,height]
dhxLayout.cells('b')._minW = 460;