LAyout not acting as I expect what am i doing wrong

I am trying to do two different things and coming up blank on both:

  1. I want to have the layout adjust its size wind the browser window is resized. I tried using the example for setSizes in the documtation but what I get is this

a. winObj is undefined this.dhxWins.window(bar._win).tabbar…_totalRows", “_autoHor”, “_autoVer”,
2. I also want to display text on a collapsed cell so that the user knows what cell is collapsed.
a. I used setCollapsedText using the example as a guide but got a return of setCollapsedText is not a function.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

winObj is undefined this.dhxWins.window(bar._win).tabbar…_totalRows", “_autoHor”, “_autoVer”,

We need some sample to recreate the problem locally.

I used setCollapsedText using the example as a guide but got a return of setCollapsedText is not a function.

Do you use the latest layout version ?