Layout scheduling


I wonder if there is some “technical” for me to improve the appearance of the calendar.

Look at the attached image, I own 4 appointments for the same time. The visualization of these schedules this impaired, I can not see for example the “description” of each, unless you hover over the event.

Is there anything I can do to better present these schedules?

thanks a lot

You can use different skin ( classic and glossy have event borders which makes overlapping events more detectable )

Also, you can disable “cascade” mode, by defautl scheduler renders events next to each other, not one over other.

Hello, thank you for your answers.

Deactivated the cascade mode, now opening like this in print attached. But as vocêo can see in the picture, if I own an event starting at 14:00 >> 14:30 and another starting at 14:30, you can not see what it is event information, as it is just below the above.

In addition, only events are actually side by side, in the case of possessing the same time, if the time has little difference is not alongside but below.

Is there anything else I can do?

Thank you.

Hello, I managed to solve the problem by inserting these lines:

scheduler.config.hour_size_px = 84;
sheduler.config.separate_short_events = true;

Now my schedule is as follows:

To get better now presenting the calendar, I would custom make, like this example: … t_box.html

I implemented the example code above:

scheduler.renderEvent = function (container, ev) {
var container_width =; // e.g. “105px”

                // move section
                var html = "<div class='dhx_event_move my_event_move' style='width: " + container_width + "'></div>";

                // container for event contents
                html += "<div class='my_event_body'>";
                html += "<span class='event_date'>";
                // two options here: show only start date for short events or start+end for long
                    html += scheduler.templates.event_date(ev.start_date) + "</span>";
                // displaying event text
                html += "<span>" + scheduler.templates.event_text(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev) + "</span>";
                html += "</div>";

                // resize section
                html += "<div class='dhx_event_resize my_event_resize' style='width: " + container_width + "'></div>";

                container.innerHTML = html;
                return true; // required, true - we've created custom form; false - display default one instead

But now my calendar “broke”, so this opening:

Know how I can adjust this? In order that I can use this customization.

Thank you.