Left reveal side panel / menu

I am looking to include a left side panel / menu in my app which has now become a standard way of hiding navigation buttons and application settings. Is there a way to do this in DHTMLx Touch?

An example of what I am looking for is available in the jQuery Mobile examples:


I also for Sencha touch


There are also jQuery plugins and other libraries.

This appears to be fairly straighforward by moving the main container using the following:

launchApp.style['transition'] = 'transform .2s ease-in-out'; launchApp.style['-webkit-transform'] = 'translate3d(200px, 0px, 0px)'; launchApp.style['-webkit-box-shadow'] = '0 0 4px 1px #999';

I would like to render a grouplist in another container ‘under’ (z-index:-999) the main container.

Is it possible to have two simultaneous instances of DHTMLx Touch?

Ok I achieved this by creating a new prototype (copied the dhtmlxWindow prototype) and modified it to made the view a fixed height and on z-index 0. The rest was a bit of CSS styling and the animation code above. This way you can put anything you like in the sidebar as you would a window.

I am a bit disappointed that DHTMLx Touch isn’t keeping up with the competition. How about you open-source it on github or let people contribute plugins?