I used the libCompiler tool and did a full compile (checked all branches). I used this successfully for everything I have done.
Although, today I tried to implement drag n drop functionality.
I ran the sample from dhtmlxGrid\samples\interaction_other_components\pro_interaction.html and was able to run it successfully.
But when I tried to implement run this same file by only pointing it to the files created by the libcompiler tool (dhtmlx.css, dhtmlx.js), I get errors.
I get the following errors when running the example using only dhtmlx.css and dhtmlx.js.
Error Type: Configuration
Description: Incorrect cell type: dyn
also when I try to drag from grid to tree using this example, I get the following error
Line 1758
Error ‘ParentObject.childCount’ is null or not an object.
Its seems as though the libCompile tool is not compiling everything I need. Although when I look at the manifest.txt file it says that everything I need is there. Can someone please test this and let me know if it happens.
Pleaes update original libCompiler/components.xml with attached one. ( be sure to clear browser cache, or old xml data may be cached )
Original one miss support of “dyn” column type in grid, which causes issue in above situation.
components.zip (38.6 KB)
Ok. I copied down the new components file that you provided and it does fix the first error I reported. But the second issue still remains.
Line 1763 Error ‘ParentObject.childCount’ is null or not an object.
The only thing I am doing is commenting out all the references to the individual files and repointing to the two files created by the libCompiler utility (dhtmlx.css and dhtmlx.js). I am using the following example
has this been tested as well?
While above scenario works correctly in local sample, we have found one more potencial issue - please update components.xml one more time.
components.zip (38.9 KB)
Bingo! That fixed it. Thanks.